Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Plan

So I think I decided on what I want to do for the month of August. I found this thing online that other people are doing called 30 unsent letters where you write letters according to people, (following the guidelines given), but don't actually send them. I guess it's more therapeutic than anything. So since I won't start at my new job until August 23, I figured I should have time to write these letters and though I won't send them, I'll post them. I might change up their guidelines a bit because some of the people you're supposed to write to I just don't find interesting or whatever but we'll see.

So that's the plan to start this out...simple enough. Next up might be cooking everyday. I had a couple more ideas but did my normal procrastination routine and didn't write them down so of course I've already forgotten them.

Random question: What's up with this Jersey Shore show? I've never seen it but everyone on facebook keeps posting about the premiere tonight. I may have to tune in to see what all the hype is about. Personally, I have a feeling I'm too old to appreciate it, but we'll see.

Oh and last night's plan of taking shifts to care for the bambino so B. and I could get some type of sleep worked fairly well. He had to get up twice with L. - the first time I barely noticed, the second I was up with him at 3:30 am as L. was screaming bloody murder while getting a diaper and outfit change since he peed through everything. So I slept from 11 - 3:30 and then 4-5:30 when L. woke up for the day (which was actually sleeping in for him!). The true miracle though was that L. napped from 6:50 am until 10 am!!! I GOT A SHOWER AND A 3 HOUR NAP while he slept! AMEN!

We're trying the plan again tonight and I pray it works well again. B. rarely works the same shift more than 2 days in a row though so we may be changing things up every night or two but something has to be done so we can function. Yay parenthood!

3 Things I Am Thankful for Today:
1.) Diet Pepsi
2.) naps
3.) sunshine

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Exhaustion

It's July 28, I think, and August will be here in a couple days and then I have to start my little monthly projects. Of course I've been procrastinating the whole project and second guessing myself now. So I came up with a few guidelines/goals for myself.

1.) I must do this for at least 6 months. That way I try 6 things at least.
2.) Though I will do them each day for a month at a time, I am only holding myself accountable for a minimum of 4 blog posts a week - I have a baby, work full-time, write on the side besides this blog, and am in grad school...4 times will be a miracle but I'm determined.

Those were the only things I could think of.

I did get some suggestions for other things to try - yoga, art, cake! My favorite idea I came up with myself though - sleep for a month. Sleep at least 8 hours a night every night for a month. HAHAHAHAHAHA! Not going to happen but a girl can dream...

The exhaustion made me delirious and think of that. B. & I were chatting the other day and he commented that he couldn't remember the last time he slept through an entire night and I kindly reminded him it was 6 months ago right before L. was born. Then I also reminded him that I haven't slept a whole night through for 15 months now since the minute that kid burst forth into my uterus as an embryo I started peeing around the clock. Someone comment and remind me what slumber is like...I miss it so...

Anyways, so I'm exhausted...yet I'm up blogging while my bambino sleeps...why is this, you ask? Let me tell you...
1.) Bambino will be up in 2 hours anyways. Broken slumber doesn't cut it, I don't care who says some sleep is better than no sleep. It's. Not. The. Same.
2.) I am going to be a famous writer/blogger. Even if it's only in my head.
3.) B. & I are trying out a new nighttime plan...I take care of the kiddo if he wakes up anytime from when he goes to bed (which was about 9 tonight) until 1 am...then B. takes over til he leaves for work at 5:30 at which time I will wake and be refreshed from my 4.5 hours of sleep that isn't fully interrupted except when I am the one who wakes to the sound of L. crying and have to wake B. and send him over to soothe the child. Yay.

I love my kid, wouldn't trade him for the world, but hot damn this parenthood thing is exhausting. Do they ever sleep through the night?

3 Things I'm Thankful for Today:
1.) naps (not that I get them but I appreciate them more now that they are missing from my life!)
2.) my mama
3.) office supplies

Friday, July 23, 2010

The Ideas

I've been thinking a lot about how I'm going to tackle my monthly goals and what they will even be. I have 3-4 ideas so far so at least I can blog for 3 months and if I don't give up on it by then I'll hopefully have come up with more. If anyone has any ideas for things I can do for a month, (that are legal and moral...I'm a mama these days!), that are interesting and will hopefully hold my attention for around 30 days, let me know.

So far I've come up with cooking for a month, baking for a month, (both should be interesting considering I mess up making a bowl of cereal), doing random acts of kindness for a month, and the Fireproof marriage activity, (which should also be interesting considering I can be pretty selfish).

On a totally unrelated note, B. goes back to work tomorrow after 8 glorious days off. We didn't do much of anything besides trade my car in for a new one, (WHOO-HOO!), I finished up the assignments for a summer grad class, and we just hung out. Spent some quality family time together. The plan for next summer is to not be so poor so we can spend our quality time at the BEACH!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

The Job

This will be short and sweet. Why? Because I'll say that I work full-time in the field of education, I'm currently working on my master's in an area in this field, and that's about as far as it goes. I personally don't think it's professional or appropriate for me to say anything else.

I work part-time as a writer...not just blogging but occasionally I do get paid to write articles. If you're interested, you can check them out here or here. And by my blog name, I obviously love writing and aspire to be famous for it one day. Amen!

Also, B. (the hubby), is a besides being a lucky and well-fed lady I also assist him in catering various events from time to time. Basically, he handles the cooking part and I handle the business/details end of it.

That's about it. Exciting entry, I know. ;)

3 Things I'm Thankful for Today:
1.) my husband
2.) cute photos of my baby boy
3.) beer

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Kids

1 human kid + 1 canine kid = 1 exhausted mama

How do you people do it with multiple human kids and multiple canine kids? Booze? Anyway, though they wear me out, I love them. I know you're not supposed to have favorites as a parent but I do. No shame here, I love my human kid a tad bit more than the canine one.

I am the mama to the world's most adorable 5 1/2 month old boy who I shall refer to as L. I feel bad for all the other mama's out there who were hoping to have the world's most adorable baby because somehow I lucked out, hehehehe. Besides being so stinkin' cute, he is a genius, (obviously), and hilarious. He's got quite the personality already and though he's only almost 6 months, he is certain he is at least 2 years old.

For awhile before I got knocked up I went through a phase where I didn't even want to ever have kids. (I wasn't even planning on ever marrying, remember?) But thankfully God had an entirely different plan for my life than I had. L. makes me laugh everyday and as cliche as it is, you really don't get the whole parenthood thing until you're there. In all seriousness though, I feel so blessed to have him and am thoroughly enjoying the whole motherhood experience as exhausting as it is.

G. is the canine kid. An 85 pound lab/retriever/pit bull mix we adopted from the Humane Society who thinks he's a cat. He always wants to cuddle in your lap and lay on top of the back of the couch. He sits at the windowsill and stares out for hours as well. He can be incredibly hyper but not the least bit aggressive. He sheds like he's getting paid for it which irritates me but he gives the funniest looks and is completely lovable.

Thankfully the kids get along very well. G. ignores L. for the most part unless there's leftover food or formula on his face or he thinks L.'s in harm's way. L. thinks G.'s the most hilarious being to walk the planet. Sometimes G. is the only one who can calm L. down just by walking past or sitting in front of him. B. and I joke that G. is the third parent...but I'm only half joking.

3 Things I'm Thankful For Today:

1.) the kids

2.) make-up

3.) my parents

Sunday, July 18, 2010

The Husband

I am a wife. Not a very good one most of the time, but a wife. Thankfully, a very patient man tamed me. I'll refer to him as B in the blog. I truly thought I'd skip the whole marriage deal and be a kick-ass independent career woman for this lifetime, but he is HILARIOUS. He's the only person in the world who has the same sick, twisted sense of humor that I do, so I didn't really have a choice except to marry him. Plus, he has the biggest heart ever and I don't have one at all, so we complement each other nicely.

He is a hockey fanatic which can be irritating but I appreciate his love for the sport even though he probably thinks I don't. He is a history buff too which I find very attractive. He hates to read, loves to eat...did I mention he's a chef? He feeds me well and his spontaneous romantic dinners are always amazing.

His hugs are the best, he's my best friend and my biggest cheerleader, (besides my mom of course). He's cute too - take a peek at the pic and check him out if you can tear your eyes away from my pasty bat-wing arm, hahahaha.
In short, he's the best. Sorry to all the ladies out there who were hoping to snatch up the best husband out there because I already got him. I'm sure I'll mention him lots throughout the blog since he's the one that keeps me sane in the craziness of our lives so I figured he deserved a proper introduction.
Love you B.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Hello World

Here I am world. An official blogger. Let's cut to the chase. What is this blog all about? My life and my quest to live it to the fullest. My idea of "1 month makes a difference" goes like this - I'll choose something to take on or try for a month and blog about it along with my life. Why? Because I'm the world's biggest procrastinator and don't usually stick with anything so I don't really have any solid interests, at least not for longer than a few weeks in most cases. Not to mention I love writing and being a working mama and wife I need a place to destress since I gave up partying to be a domestic diva.

Until August I'll post more info about myself so my readers, (I will have readers, won't I?!?!), will know me a bit better. Then August 1 I will begin my month long adventures to make a difference in the world...or just my life. (I told you I was a didn't think I'd start this today, did you?)

3 Thing I'm Thankful for Today
1. Nissley 2008 Niagra wine
2. the Kardashians
3. blogs