Saturday, September 11, 2010

Look at Me, I'm Kind

Wednesday 9/8/10: Went to lunch with some co-workers. Tried to buy them beverages at a coffee shop we stopped at but they didn't want anything. Even my peer pressuring didn't work.

Thursday 9/9/10: Surprised some friends with wine when they joked that the only thing that would fix their bad week was alcohol.

Friday 9/10/10: On the drive home I noticed a car in the right lane with their turn signal on and it had been for awhile as they were following a slow moving truck but there were lots of cars passing in the left lane. I happened to be in the left lane as well so as I got to the car, I slowed down and let her move over in front of me because there were lots of cars behind me too.

Saturday 9/11/10: Tried to pick up B's prescription for him. Forgot we switched insurance and I didn't have the new card with me. Refused to pay $127 for his meds so I went home and sent him back out to get them because he needed a break from the little man.

I've noticed that I've tried to be kind but others do not cooperate, hahaha...I will keep trying though. I know I've at least inspired my mom - she dusted at my house while watching L. this past week! WHOO-HOO! I hope she decides her next act of kindness is paying my mortgage bill next month. (*HINT, HINT* Mom...I know you're reading!) :)

3 Things I Am Thankful for Today:
1.) Prunes (yes, I'm 80 years old and I love me some prunes!)
2.) getting my nails done
3.) good friends

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Let's get down to business. I've been busy being kind.

Thursday 9/2/10: Sat and chatted with a second grader who accompanied her family to her sister's Back to School Night at my class. I debated on whether to leave her alone but she looked lonely and bored so we had a nice chat while her sister showed their parents around. I felt good about that.

Friday 9/3/10: Got up every time L. got up through the night and let B. sleep.

Saturday 9/4/10: We stayed in a hotel because we attended a wedding out of town. I offered to sleep on the side of the bed next to L.'s pack 'n play so B wouldn't have to get up to get him if he woke up. Good thing he slept through the night.

Sunday 9/5/10: B had a tough morning - L. grabbed B's cereal bowl and dumped it all over the hotel lobby floor and then grabbed his English muffin and chucked it across the room. So I took L. and we peaced out for awhile so B. could eat and regain some sanity while he chilled out in the room.

Monday 9/6/10: I know I did something but at the moment I can't remember???

Tuesday 9/7/10: I am consulting B on an opportunity I was offered before making a decision. I konw that's technically more like an obligation as he is my husband and we do make decisions together, but I am too tired to do anything else and I forgot to do something earlier so it's gonna have to count for today.

What I've decided is that I definitely feel more positive while doing kind acts for others but I think I need to expand it to people besides close family and friends. So I will attempt to step it up for the next couple weeks.

Other than that, things are incredibly busy but going well. Can't complain, life is good...:)

3 Things I Am Thankful For Today:
1.) an understanding husband
2.) coffee
3.) showers that last longer than 3 minutes

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

I am exhausted. L. is sick, like actually sick this time with a fever and everything and so he's not sleeping well. Me + minimal sleep + working full-time = EXHAUSTION.

BUT...there is good news even though I am exhausted and can barely focus. I have 7 followers listed now and a few more who have told me they follow on their own! WHOO-HOO! Who's that famous writer? Oh that's's ME! :)

Anyways, so today I started being kind. Or I guess consciously doing kind things. Because I'm not really a jerk to start with....usually...

My bro called me and asked if I could watch his kids for a bit tonight. L. is sick (though at the time he didn't have a fever), I had work to do that I brought home, I'm exhausted anyway, and my bro lives about 40 minutes away. And it was already after 5pm. But I said yes! It turned out that my bro ended up calling back and didn't need me to watch his kids which I guess worked out for the best considering L. got a fever, but I'm counting my answer of yes as my random act of kindness for the day. (Gotta start somewhere!)

I felt pretty good about the fact that I said yes. Especially because my first thought was to say no since I'm tired. But I know if I needed a favor like that, I'd hope someone could help me. So I said yes. The world didn't stop spinning so I guess I can keep going with the kindness...:)

3 Things I am Thankful for Today:
1.) moments in the rocking chair with L.
2.) refund checks
3.) comfy beds and pillows

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I'm a Quitter..Sort Of...

Sad but true, when it came to the letter writing, I gave up. Important lesson learned though - as much as I enjoy writing and people, I don't enjoy writing TO people. Especially letters that will never be sent. Pointless.

BUT, I'm determined not to quit the whole idea of attempting to make some sort of difference in my life, (and maybe even the world one day...), while figuring out some new interests and hobbies each month. So tomorrow, September 1, 2010...I start anew!

Since this is one of the busiest times of year at work, I've decided to do a random act of kindness each day. I promise to blog more than twice a month about it. I have a feeling that even though there are some who think I lack a heart, I may just take to this whole idea of being nice to others. ;)

Feel free to join in with me on this one and leave comments about the kind things you do or how it's changing your life. Wouldn't hurt to make the world a little kinder, eh?

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Unsent Letters: Days 16, 17, 18, 19

I suck at this. But I think I know why...I am figuring out that I am not into emo letter writing. Ew.

But I'm not a quitter either.

Day 16 - Someone That's Not in Your State/Country

Dear J.
Hope you're enjoying Wisconsin! Thank you for making my best friend so happy! I wish we could have hung out more before you went back home, but I know we'll have many more chances in the future. By the way, if you want to impress S., you should send us some cheese...HAHAHAHA! :) Looking forward to seeing what the future holds!

Day 17 - Someone From Your Childhood

Thanks for being such a wonderful friend when we were so young! I'm really glad we reconnected and have been able to keep in touch after so many years. You have a beautiful family and I'm excited to see you guys in a couple weeks at the wedding! :)

Day 18 - The Person That You Wish You Could Be

Perfect Me,
You're a jerk and I wish you didn't exist because if you didn't exist then I wouldn't feel so bad for not being you. I don't think the dream of you will ever die so I'll keep trying and maybe one day I'll learn to let go.
Imperfect Me

Day 19 - Someone That Pesters Your Mind - Good or Bad

"Pesters your mind" - Are you freaking kidding me? There wasn't a better way to say that? I can't use that just because it sounds so ridiculous. I'm making up my own.

Day 19 - Someone Who Highly Irritates You

I chose that because I am irritated. I won't release a name for this one though.

Dear Person That Irritates Me,
Seriously. Knock it off. Grow up and get a life. Ew.

So I'm already thinking of next month...torn between a month of random acts of kindness each day or cooking or baking? Sort of leaning towards the kindness stuff since I won't have much money to put towards igredients for food since I'll just be starting the new job and we need to use the first couple paychecks to get adjusted and maybe do some catching up from our "Summer of Debt" due to my unemployed status.

Speaking of my unemployed status...earlier this week I got interesting news about one of the reasons I left my last job. Turns out I'm a better judge of character than I give myself credit for at times.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Unsent Letters: Day 15

My stomach hurts. Ugh.

Day 15 - The Person You Miss the Most

I will write to a dear friend of mine who I think reads this and we stay in touch, but she lives in another state so we don't get to see each other much.

Life has certainly changed a lot since we first met 6 or so years ago! You have been a wonderful friend and role model through the years and I appreciate all the love and support you've shown me during the course of our friendship. I know neither one of us are into sappiness so I'll leave it at that and just say that I'm looking forward to many more years of friendship. Who else will I call and get advice from when it's time to be a grandma just like I did when I became a mommy? :) Thanks for everything!

3 Things I am Thankful for Today:
1.) not being a hoarder like the ones on TLC
2.) LCBC
3.) sleep

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Unsent Letters: Days 12, 13, 14

And I'm a slacker. It's been a busy few days with work.

I would like to note though that I now have 5 followers, 1 follower with Google Reader and 2 other people contacted me about the blog who are also reading. SWEET. Can you taste that too? It's famosity!

Day 12 - The Person You Hate the Most/Caused You a Lot of Pain

I don't really hate people. There are a few I strongly dislike though. This will be short & sweet because I really don't want people guessing who this person is.

You think you know everything, don't you superstar? Well, you don't. You made me feel really stupid for a long time but now that I'm older & wiser, I know better. You're the one with the issues, not me.

Day 13 - Your Body

Dear Body,
I have not always been good to you, but you have held up well in my opinion. We didn't get along for a long time, but things are much better now. I have more appreciation for you and what you can do after L.'s birth. I will try not to constantly fill you with unhealthy foods and booze, but I'm sure I will slip occasionally. Please forgive me in advance and don't punish me too harshly with extra pounds or headaches.
Thanks for everything,

Day 14 - Someone You Have Drifted Away From

Well, this is

My apologies for being MIA and flighty. Whether I like it or not, parenthood really changed everything in my life. I have a little person who needs me 24/7 right now and since he didn't get a choice about entering this world, I better do an outstanding job of taking care of him and right now, and let's face it, for the next 18+ years, that means he's gotta be a top priority in my life.
For those of you who have been understanding and supportive even though I've been a less than stellar friend, thank you. I truly appreciate your patience while I adjust to balancing motherhood with the rest of my life. For those of you who could care less, thank you's probably for the best and it's one less thing I have to worry about to be completely honest.
"A real friend walks in when the rest of the world walks out."
Yours Truly

3 Things I am Thankful for Today:
1.) understanding friends
2.) roasted, salted almonds
3.) my baby boy's smile