Friday, July 23, 2010

The Ideas

I've been thinking a lot about how I'm going to tackle my monthly goals and what they will even be. I have 3-4 ideas so far so at least I can blog for 3 months and if I don't give up on it by then I'll hopefully have come up with more. If anyone has any ideas for things I can do for a month, (that are legal and moral...I'm a mama these days!), that are interesting and will hopefully hold my attention for around 30 days, let me know.

So far I've come up with cooking for a month, baking for a month, (both should be interesting considering I mess up making a bowl of cereal), doing random acts of kindness for a month, and the Fireproof marriage activity, (which should also be interesting considering I can be pretty selfish).

On a totally unrelated note, B. goes back to work tomorrow after 8 glorious days off. We didn't do much of anything besides trade my car in for a new one, (WHOO-HOO!), I finished up the assignments for a summer grad class, and we just hung out. Spent some quality family time together. The plan for next summer is to not be so poor so we can spend our quality time at the BEACH!

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