Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Kids

1 human kid + 1 canine kid = 1 exhausted mama

How do you people do it with multiple human kids and multiple canine kids? Booze? Anyway, though they wear me out, I love them. I know you're not supposed to have favorites as a parent but I do. No shame here, I love my human kid a tad bit more than the canine one.

I am the mama to the world's most adorable 5 1/2 month old boy who I shall refer to as L. I feel bad for all the other mama's out there who were hoping to have the world's most adorable baby because somehow I lucked out, hehehehe. Besides being so stinkin' cute, he is a genius, (obviously), and hilarious. He's got quite the personality already and though he's only almost 6 months, he is certain he is at least 2 years old.

For awhile before I got knocked up I went through a phase where I didn't even want to ever have kids. (I wasn't even planning on ever marrying, remember?) But thankfully God had an entirely different plan for my life than I had. L. makes me laugh everyday and as cliche as it is, you really don't get the whole parenthood thing until you're there. In all seriousness though, I feel so blessed to have him and am thoroughly enjoying the whole motherhood experience as exhausting as it is.

G. is the canine kid. An 85 pound lab/retriever/pit bull mix we adopted from the Humane Society who thinks he's a cat. He always wants to cuddle in your lap and lay on top of the back of the couch. He sits at the windowsill and stares out for hours as well. He can be incredibly hyper but not the least bit aggressive. He sheds like he's getting paid for it which irritates me but he gives the funniest looks and is completely lovable.

Thankfully the kids get along very well. G. ignores L. for the most part unless there's leftover food or formula on his face or he thinks L.'s in harm's way. L. thinks G.'s the most hilarious being to walk the planet. Sometimes G. is the only one who can calm L. down just by walking past or sitting in front of him. B. and I joke that G. is the third parent...but I'm only half joking.

3 Things I'm Thankful For Today:

1.) the kids

2.) make-up

3.) my parents

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