I am exhausted. L. is sick, like actually sick this time with a fever and everything and so he's not sleeping well. Me + minimal sleep + working full-time = EXHAUSTION.
BUT...there is good news even though I am exhausted and can barely focus. I have 7 followers listed now and a few more who have told me they follow on their own! WHOO-HOO! Who's that famous writer? Oh that's right...it's ME! :)
Anyways, so today I started being kind. Or I guess consciously doing kind things. Because I'm not really a jerk to start with....usually...
My bro called me and asked if I could watch his kids for a bit tonight. L. is sick (though at the time he didn't have a fever), I had work to do that I brought home, I'm exhausted anyway, and my bro lives about 40 minutes away. And it was already after 5pm. But I said yes! It turned out that my bro ended up calling back and didn't need me to watch his kids which I guess worked out for the best considering L. got a fever, but I'm counting my answer of yes as my random act of kindness for the day. (Gotta start somewhere!)
I felt pretty good about the fact that I said yes. Especially because my first thought was to say no since I'm tired. But I know if I needed a favor like that, I'd hope someone could help me. So I said yes. The world didn't stop spinning so I guess I can keep going with the kindness...:)
3 Things I am Thankful for Today:
1.) moments in the rocking chair with L.
2.) refund checks
3.) comfy beds and pillows
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