Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Let's get down to business. I've been busy being kind.

Thursday 9/2/10: Sat and chatted with a second grader who accompanied her family to her sister's Back to School Night at my class. I debated on whether to leave her alone but she looked lonely and bored so we had a nice chat while her sister showed their parents around. I felt good about that.

Friday 9/3/10: Got up every time L. got up through the night and let B. sleep.

Saturday 9/4/10: We stayed in a hotel because we attended a wedding out of town. I offered to sleep on the side of the bed next to L.'s pack 'n play so B wouldn't have to get up to get him if he woke up. Good thing he slept through the night.

Sunday 9/5/10: B had a tough morning - L. grabbed B's cereal bowl and dumped it all over the hotel lobby floor and then grabbed his English muffin and chucked it across the room. So I took L. and we peaced out for awhile so B. could eat and regain some sanity while he chilled out in the room.

Monday 9/6/10: I know I did something but at the moment I can't remember???

Tuesday 9/7/10: I am consulting B on an opportunity I was offered before making a decision. I konw that's technically more like an obligation as he is my husband and we do make decisions together, but I am too tired to do anything else and I forgot to do something earlier so it's gonna have to count for today.

What I've decided is that I definitely feel more positive while doing kind acts for others but I think I need to expand it to people besides close family and friends. So I will attempt to step it up for the next couple weeks.

Other than that, things are incredibly busy but going well. Can't complain, life is good...:)

3 Things I Am Thankful For Today:
1.) an understanding husband
2.) coffee
3.) showers that last longer than 3 minutes

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