Saturday, September 11, 2010

Look at Me, I'm Kind

Wednesday 9/8/10: Went to lunch with some co-workers. Tried to buy them beverages at a coffee shop we stopped at but they didn't want anything. Even my peer pressuring didn't work.

Thursday 9/9/10: Surprised some friends with wine when they joked that the only thing that would fix their bad week was alcohol.

Friday 9/10/10: On the drive home I noticed a car in the right lane with their turn signal on and it had been for awhile as they were following a slow moving truck but there were lots of cars passing in the left lane. I happened to be in the left lane as well so as I got to the car, I slowed down and let her move over in front of me because there were lots of cars behind me too.

Saturday 9/11/10: Tried to pick up B's prescription for him. Forgot we switched insurance and I didn't have the new card with me. Refused to pay $127 for his meds so I went home and sent him back out to get them because he needed a break from the little man.

I've noticed that I've tried to be kind but others do not cooperate, hahaha...I will keep trying though. I know I've at least inspired my mom - she dusted at my house while watching L. this past week! WHOO-HOO! I hope she decides her next act of kindness is paying my mortgage bill next month. (*HINT, HINT* Mom...I know you're reading!) :)

3 Things I Am Thankful for Today:
1.) Prunes (yes, I'm 80 years old and I love me some prunes!)
2.) getting my nails done
3.) good friends

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