Thursday, August 5, 2010

Unsent Letters: Day 5

Well, hello again. I've posted 5 days in a row! Whoo-hoo! I chose to do the letter writing first because I knew I'd be unemployed and able to write most days this month, hahahaha!

Day 5: Your Dreams

Dear Dreams,
Please continue to be big and full of life. Feel free to change and adapt yourselves as my life continues to pass by quickly and change every day. It would be nice if a few more of you came true, but the others may simply stay dreams. Many have already come true and I am very blessed so I won't ask for much more. At the very least, just stick around for the rest of my days as you give me motivation and peace.


On another note, my baby boy had his 6 month check up today and all is well. He's a big healthy boy, (just like his Daddy!), and a definite flirt, (when he's not peeing on people, hahaha!). I am so very blessed.

3 Things I am Thankful for Today:
1.) good conversations
2.) our wonderful pediatricians
3.) laptops (I don't have one but used one today and it made my life so much easier...must. get. one. NOW.)

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