And I'm a slacker. It's been a busy few days with work.
I would like to note though that I now have 5 followers, 1 follower with Google Reader and 2 other people contacted me about the blog who are also reading. SWEET. Can you taste that too? It's famosity!
Day 12 - The Person You Hate the Most/Caused You a Lot of Pain
I don't really hate people. There are a few I strongly dislike though. This will be short & sweet because I really don't want people guessing who this person is.
You think you know everything, don't you superstar? Well, you don't. You made me feel really stupid for a long time but now that I'm older & wiser, I know better. You're the one with the issues, not me.
Day 13 - Your Body
Dear Body,
I have not always been good to you, but you have held up well in my opinion. We didn't get along for a long time, but things are much better now. I have more appreciation for you and what you can do after L.'s birth. I will try not to constantly fill you with unhealthy foods and booze, but I'm sure I will slip occasionally. Please forgive me in advance and don't punish me too harshly with extra pounds or headaches.
Thanks for everything,
Day 14 - Someone You Have Drifted Away From
Well, this is
My apologies for being MIA and flighty. Whether I like it or not, parenthood really changed everything in my life. I have a little person who needs me 24/7 right now and since he didn't get a choice about entering this world, I better do an outstanding job of taking care of him and right now, and let's face it, for the next 18+ years, that means he's gotta be a top priority in my life.
For those of you who have been understanding and supportive even though I've been a less than stellar friend, thank you. I truly appreciate your patience while I adjust to balancing motherhood with the rest of my life. For those of you who could care less, thank you's probably for the best and it's one less thing I have to worry about to be completely honest.
"A real friend walks in when the rest of the world walks out."
Yours Truly
3 Things I am Thankful for Today:
1.) understanding friends
2.) roasted, salted almonds
3.) my baby boy's smile
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