Monday, August 9, 2010

Unsent Letters: Days 8 & 9

Yesterday was a bit hectic and I just didn't get to write so days 8 & 9 are combined today...

Day 8 - Your Pet (it actually says your favorite internet friend, but

Dear G.

You are crazy. You irritate me everyday, usually because you shed uncontrollably and our house always looks awful because everything is covered in hair. I did not appreciate that you ate part of our couch and and our window blinds...but looking back, it was kind of funny. I also do not enjoy chasing you around my parents' backyard after you have gotten into something else yet again...but it certainly is hilarious watching my dad chase you. I am amazed that you ate an entire tree and cannot figure out why you enjoy eating rocks and dirt, but it is funny watching you do it and trying to stop you. I also am grateful for the entertainment you provide with your funny looks, the way you crawl into people's laps even though you are 85 pounds, and when you playfully bite B. and make him scream. Thanks for never actually biting me, B., or L. and I'll be forever grateful of the time you fought off that mean neighborhood dog that tried to attack me and L.

Love you crazy dog,


P.S. If you could please stop eating my niece & nephew's toys and popping the pink ball they play with in my parents' yard that we keep replacing, that would be great.


Day 9 - Someone You Wish You Could Meet

Dear Britney Spears,

I find you hilarious and like a trainwreck - I don't want to watch your life spiral out of control but I can't stop. You've been pretty tame (boring) lately but I enjoyed some of your past shenanigans. I have a few questions for you...

1.) Why exactly did you shave your head? Crazy really wasn't really a good look for you though it was pretty entertaining.

2.) What is it about cheetos that you love so much? I personally do not enjoy them.

3.) What is your favorite Starbucks beverage? (Now, Starbucks I do love!)

4.) K-Fed - wtf?

5.) What do you like most about motherhood?

6.) Would you do it all again?

By the way, I think we should set our kiddos up on a play date. Or you and I could just be best friends.

Your #1 Fan


3 Things I am Thankful for Today:

1.) Giant (the grocery store)

2.) kind strangers

3.) vacuum cleaners

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